Searching for code in a recipe is done by choosing and configuring a target. Targets can also appear as children of a target, for example the owner option in annotation. They can even appear in suggestion actions, for example the position option in AddField.
- @interface
- annotation
- annotationParameter
- argument
- arrayInitializer
- arrayInitializerMember
- assert
- assignment
- attribute
- binaryexpression
- cast
- catchblock
- comment
- comparison
- condition
- constructor
- class
- classLiteral
- element
- enum
- expression
- field
- file
- finallyblock
- ifThenElse
- import
- instanceCreation
- instanceof
- interface
- integer
- javadoc
- literal
- localVariable
- method
- methodcall
- parameter
- postfixExpression
- prefixExpression
- reference
- return
- string
- switch
- synchronizedStatement
- throw
- type
- typeDeclaration
- while